{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "Downtown_Levy_Area", "guid": "45D6613E-2A18-4F35-8695-D795C3B5157C", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Downtown Levy Boundary", "description": "The feature class displays the Wellington City Council Downtown Levy Boundary as used for Rating purposes.The rate is levied on all commercial, industrial and business properties in the Downtown Area and is calculated on a rate per dollar of rateable capital value.", "summary": "Downtown Levy Boundary", "title": "Downtown_Levy_Area", "tags": [ "WCC", "Levy", "Boundaries" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ 174.767951776939, -41.3017376040507 ], [ 174.794887978896, -41.2592673488869 ] ], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 1.7976931348623157E308, "spatialReference": "NZGD_2000_New_Zealand_Transverse_Mercator", "accessInformation": "", "licenseInfo": "" }