Description: This dataset contains the location of all playground areas in the Wellington Region. The development of this dataset was undertaken to allow playground areas to be spatially represented for use in Asset Management, WCC projects and on the councils webmap. Status of data: Ongoing IMPORTANT: This contains City Housing Play Areas (identifiable through the HOUSING field). External use of this dataset should remove the Ciy Housing sites as it is used for internal maintenance purposes. IMPORTANT: This contains Frank kitts park (identifiable through the maintained by field showing Wellington Waterfront). External use of this dataset should take this into account and remove if required. Note: The 'Mobility' attribute field indicates whether the playground has wheelchair access from the carpark area
Description: This dataset contains Joists, Beams, Bearer, Brace, and Stringers owned/maintained by Parks, Sport and Recreation Business Unit, Wellington City Council. All are component parts of Wharf and Jetty construction. The development of this dataset was undertaken to allow these to be spatially represented for Asset Management use. Status of data: ongoing
Copyright Text: PSR Assets and Projects GIS team
Wellington City Council
Phone: 021 227 8035
Description: Polygons representing Buildings Owned/Administered or Buildings previously Owned by the Wellington City Council. The data is updated irregularly by the GIS Team when notified by the Property & Standards Team. The Building boundaries are based on a combination of 0.1m imagery and 2D Building Footprints. The attribute data for the WCC Buildings are maintained by Property & Standard Portfolio Team.