Description: Business areas 1 and 2, Central city zone & District Plan centres. -The commercial and government sectors are the primary drivers of business demand in the city.-The city is projected to require an additional 787,277 sq meters of business floor area over the period 2017 – 2047.-Wellington City has a number of business areas that cater for a range of activities, often with elements of mixed use residential development.-The main source of capacity is the CBD with over 3 million sq meters of floor are available under the redevelopment calculation utilized for this modelling.-The assessment has identified a lack of true land vacancy across the existing business areas of the city. However, the Lincolnshire Farm business area is still to be developed offering the city significant vacant space for business growth.Link to assessment:
Copyright Text: Wellington City Council, City Design and Place Planning, Place Planning team
Description: Accessibility heatmap of community facilities around DP centre zones400m buffer used around all centres - 5 minute catchments generated around facilities - Central City facilities removedCultural:TheatresStudiosMusic VenuesMuseumsGalleriesCommunity Centres HallsCinemasArt SchoolsArt GroupsLibrariesSafety:WREMO Community EmergencyFire StationsPolice StationsHealth & Welfare:Enrolled GP FacilitiesHospital FacilitiesPharmaciesPlaces of Worship:Places of WorshipEducation:Tertiary CampusesSchoolsRecreation & Sporting:PlaygroundsSwimming PoolsRecreation CentresParksAncillary Activities (Became a misc group):Grocery RetailersLandfills & QuarriesRecycling CentresCommunity GardensReturned Services AssociationsScout HallsContact the Place Planning Team or Jono Moore for more information
Copyright Text: Place Planning Team, Community Services, Wellington City Council
Description: Other regulatory features relevant to the Wellington City District Plan, but not directly controlled by it. For more information, email