This dataset is a spatial representation of 2018 Census data at the Statistical Area 1 level for the Wellington City Council territorial authority area. This feature layer contains information on Individuals including:- Usual residential population- Sex- Age (five year groups and broad groups)- Age by sex- Years at residence- Birthplace- Years since arrival in Aotearoa- Ethnic group- Languages- Māori descentFor other variables from the 2018 Census, see: Dwellings, Households, Individual Part 2, Individual Part 3a, Individual Part 3b.Census information is used by government agencies, local authorities, businesses, community organisations, and the public for developing and implementing new policies, research, planning, and decision-making. It helps us make decisions about how to best use public funding, especially in areas of health, education, housing, and transport.The census in New Zealand is undertaken under the authority of section 23(1) of the Statistics Act 1975. The act outlines statutory topics, and other topics that can be included in the census at the discretion of the Government Statistician.The census aims to count everyone in New Zealand on census night. This includes:- People on New Zealand soil- People on a vessel in New Zealand waters- People on a passage between New Zealand ports- Overseas residents in New Zealand- Overseas visitors in New Zealand- People in diplomatic residences including housekeeping staff, uniformed military personnel, and members of diplomats' families- Overseas military personnel and their families located in New Zealand on census night (including people on our territorial waters)- New Zealand residents who are not in the country on census night are not included in the censusSA1 Geographic Areas have been sourced from the StatsNZ Geographic Data Service. The SA1 attribute table was sourced from the 2018 Census information release page Sep 2020. WCC suburb classification was completed manually by Jonathon Moore (WCC Community Services) Oct 2020.NOTE: Review the StatNZ DataInfo+ page of Census variables before use. The StatsNZ DataInfo+ page contains information on the definition, classification, question format, limitations, and accuracy of each variable, including how data was imputated from other sources (where required).For more information on the 2018 Census see the following resources:- Census 2018 information page: StatsNZ DataInfo+ (including data dictionary, form examples, and quality ratings): StatsNZ Geographic Data Service: |