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Legend (DistrictPlanProposed/DistrictPlanProposed)

Wellington City Boundary (1)
Suburb Labels (2)
Road Labels (3)
ACNZ - Airways Corporation of New Zealand Ltd (5)
CNZ - Chorus NZ Ltd (6)
KRH - KiwiRail Holdings Ltd (9)
KL - Kordia Ltd (10)
MSNZ - Meteorological Service of New Zealand Ltd (11)
MCOR - Minister for Courts (12)
MCOU - Minister for Corrections (13)
MDEF - Minister for Defence (14)
MEDU - Minister of Education (15)
MPOL - Minister for Police (16)
NZME - New Zealand Media & Entertainment (17)
NZTA - Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency (18)
PM - The Prime Minister (20)
SPK - Spark New Zealand Trading Ltd (19)
TPR - TransPower New Zealand Ltd (21)
WCC - Wellington City Council (22)
WEL - Wellington Electricity (23)
WIAL - Wellington International Airport Ltd (24)
WRC - Greater Wellington Regional Council (8)
OLS and Ground Height Difference Properties Query Layer (120)
OLS and Ground Height Difference (121)
Penetrates OLS Penetrates OLS
0-5 metres clearance 0-5 metres clearance
5-10 metres clearance 5-10 metres clearance
10-15 metres clearance 10-15 metres clearance
15-20 metres clearance 15-20 metres clearance
20 plus metres clearance 20 plus metres clearance
Kilbirnie Bus Barns (26)
Lincolnshire Farm (27)
Development area boundary Development area boundary
Neighbourhood park catchment Neighbourhood park catchment
Potential connection Potential connection
Walking track Walking track
Medium density residential Medium density residential
Clean fill Clean fill
Collector road Collector road
Community sports and active recreation Community sports and active recreation
General industrial General industrial
Key local road Key local road
Natural open space Natural open space
Neighbourhood centre Neighbourhood centre
Neighbourhood park Neighbourhood park
Principal road Principal road
School and community hub School and community hub
Upper Stebbings & Glenside West (28)
Development area boundary Development area boundary
Neighbourhood park catchment Neighbourhood park catchment
Walking track Walking track
Medium density residential Medium density residential
Bus stop Bus stop
Collector road Collector road
Indicative local road Indicative local road
Natural open space Natural open space
Neighbourhood park Neighbourhood park
Unbuilt areas (open space, cut & fill batters) Unbuilt areas (open space, cut & fill batters)
Road Classification (30)
Activity Streets Activity Streets
City Hubs City Hubs
Civic Spaces Civic Spaces
Local Streets Local Streets
Main Streets Main Streets
Peri-urban Roads Peri-urban Roads
Rural Connectors Rural Connectors
Rural Roads Rural Roads
Transit Corridors Transit Corridors
Urban Connectors Urban Connectors
National Grid Transmission Lines (31)
Coastal Environment (34)
Air Noise Overlay (115)
Courtenay Place Noise Area (116)
Outer Port Noise Overlay (119)
Medium Coastal Inundation Hazard (39)
High Coastal Inundation Hazard (40)
Low Coastal Tsunami Hazard (42)
Medium Coastal Tsunami Hazard (43)
High Coastal Tsunami Hazard (44)
Ohariu Fault (46)
Shepherds Gully Fault (47)
Terawhiti Fault (48)
Wellington Fault (49)
Inundation Area (52)
Overland Flowpath (51)
Stream Corridor (53)
Liquefaction Hazard Overlay (54)
Heritage Buildings (57)
Heritage Building Extent (58)
Heritage Structures (60)
Heritage Structure Extent (61)
Heritage Areas (63)
Heritage Area points (64)
Contributing Building Contributing Building
Non-heritage Building Non-heritage Building
SCHED4 Archaeological Sites (65)
SCHED5 Viewshafts (66)
Notable Trees (68)
Notable Trees Indicative Root Protection Area (69)
Sites and Areas of Significance to Māori (71)
Sites and Areas of Significance to Māori (lines) (72)
Sites and Areas of Significance to Māori Extent (73)
Mana Whenua Statutory Acknowledgements (74)
Ridgelines and Hilltops (79)
SCHED8 Significant Natural Areas (80)
SCHED10 Outstanding Natural Features and Landscapes (81)
Outstanding Natural Features Outstanding Natural Features
Outstanding Natural Landscapes Outstanding Natural Landscapes
SCHED11 Special Amenity Landscapes (82)
High Coastal Natural Character (77)
Very High Coastal Natural Character (78)
Character Precincts (84)
Inner Harbour Port Precinct (85)
Kiwipoint Quarry Precinct (86)
Makara Beach and Makara Village Precinct (87)
Miramar/Burnham Wharf Precinct (88)
Mount Victoria North Townscape Precinct (89)
Multi-User Ferry Precinct (90)
Oriental Bay Height Precinct (91)
Te Ngākau Civic Square Precinct (92)
Active Frontages (94)
Non-Residential Activity Frontages (95)
Curtis Street Building Setback Controls (96)
Height Control Areas (97)
Horokiwi Area (98)
Lyall Bay Parade Frontage Control (99)
Minimum Sunlight Access Requirements (100)
Old St Paul's - Adjoining Building Control (101)
Queens Wharf Buildings (102)
Spenmoor Area (103)
Tapu Te Ranga Site (104)
Verandah Controls (105)
Waterfront Areas of Change (106)
Waterfront Public Open Space (107)
Valuation Parcels (109)
Valuation Parcels DEC2023 (122)
Zones (111)
Large Lot Residential Zone Large Lot Residential Zone
Medium Density Residential Zone Medium Density Residential Zone
High Density Residential Zone High Density Residential Zone
General Rural Zone General Rural Zone
Neighbourhood Centre Zone Neighbourhood Centre Zone
Local Centre Zone Local Centre Zone
Commercial Zone Commercial Zone
Mixed Use Zone Mixed Use Zone
Metropolitan Centre Zone Metropolitan Centre Zone
City Centre Zone City Centre Zone
General Industrial Zone General Industrial Zone
Natural Open Space Zone Natural Open Space Zone
Open Space Zone Open Space Zone
Sport and Active Recreation Zone Sport and Active Recreation Zone
Special Purpose Zone Special Purpose Zone
Zoning of Legal Road (112)
Large Lot Residential Zone Large Lot Residential Zone
Medium Density Residential Zone Medium Density Residential Zone
High Density Residential Zone High Density Residential Zone
General Rural Zone General Rural Zone
Neighbourhood Centre Zone Neighbourhood Centre Zone
Local Centre Zone Local Centre Zone
Commercial Zone Commercial Zone
Mixed Use Zone Mixed Use Zone
Metropolitan Centre Zone Metropolitan Centre Zone
City Centre Zone City Centre Zone
General Industrial Zone General Industrial Zone
Natural Open Space Zone Natural Open Space Zone
Open Space Zone Open Space Zone
Sport and Active Recreation Zone Sport and Active Recreation Zone
Special Purpose Zone Special Purpose Zone