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Layer: Kilbirnie Bus Barns (ID: 27)

Parent Layer: Development Areas

Name: Kilbirnie Bus Barns

Display Field: Dev_Area_Name

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon

Description: INTENDED PURPOSE: Polygon dataset of development areas created for the Wellington City Council District Plan as part of the District Plan Review Process. A development area spatially identifies and manages areas where plans such as concept plans, structure plans, outline development plans, master plans or growth area plans apply to determine future land use or development. The development areas in the District Plan for Wellington City include: Kilbirnie Bus Barns - This development area provides flexibility for development and subdivision of the Kilbirnie ‘Bus Barns’ site, while ensuring that development is undertaken in general accordance with the development principles of the Development Plan. The provisions contained in this Development Area will guide the future comprehensive redevelopment of the site from its current use as a bus depot, should this transition occur. The provisions do not affect the current use of the site as a bus depot. Eight residential zoned properties all zoned Medium Density Residential Zone. Lincolnshire Farm - The Lincolnshire Farm Development Area is located between Tawa and Johnsonville. It is strategically located with easy access to State Highway 1 and the railway line. Development in the Lincolnshire Farm Development Area creates an attractive and well-functioning urban environment that delivers compact urban form and a high level of accessibility and amenity. A local centre has been intended to act as a focal point and meeting space for the suburb and provide community services including local shops, hospitality venues, and a supermarket. An industrial business area has been included to provide local employment opportunities and contribute to the industrial land supply of Wellington City. Bus, cycle, and walking infrastructure planned from the outset and integrated into the design of the earthworks and subdivision. Water sensitive urban design methods will be used which will benefit water quality and reduce impacts from runoff. Upper Stebbings/Glenside West - Upper Stebbings and Glenside West are well-connected neighbourhoods that accommodate new residential growth supported by community and open space activities. These developments are some of the final stages of urban development in the northern suburbs. At a regional level they contribute to a compact urban form by connecting development between Tawa and Churton Park which is already partially developed. They are also strategically located with easy access to State Highway 1 and the railway spine and not far from existing town centres and facilities. The Development Plan is divided into ‘built’ and ‘no build’ areas. The built areas are intended as the areas where buildings will be located. The no build areas are intended to contain a mix of natural open space and the balance of residential lots. The existing bus service on Melksham Drive has been extended to provide public transport services. Cycle and walking infrastructure has been planned up front and integrated into the earthwork and subdivision design of the neighbourhood. ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS: DP - District Plan; ePlan - "Electronic Plan" the web version of the District Plan. REFRESH RATE (Data only): Static. OWNERSHIP: This data is owned by WCC District Planning Team, contact for questions about this layer and its appropriate use cases. Ownership specifies legal or administrative control over the content. STEWARDSHIP: This data is maintained by WCC City Insights Team, contact for information about the creation of this layer and its maintenance. CUSTODIANSHIP: This data is maintained by WCC City Insights Team, contact for information about the creation of this layer and its maintenance. Stewardship addresses the ongoing care, maintenance, and management of the content. AUTHORATATIVE DATA SOURCES (Data only): This data has been prepared based on the WCC District Plan Review Process. SUMMARY OF DATA COLLECTION (Data only): A precinct spatially identifies and manages an area where additional place-based provisions apply to modify or refine aspects of the policy approach or outcomes anticipated in the underlying zone(s). The precinct boundaries in PDP was created by the WCC District Plan team following the National Planning Standard ( The precinct boundaries were subsequently amended based on the WCC District Plan Review Process.

Copyright Text: District Planning Team, Wellington City Council

Default Visibility: false

MaxRecordCount: 2000

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Advanced Queries: true

Supports Statistics: true

Has Labels: true

Can Modify Layer: true

Can Scale Symbols: false

Use Standardized Queries: true

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Drawing Info: Advanced Query Capabilities:
HasZ: true

HasM: false

Has Attachments: false

HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText

Type ID Field: null

Supported Operations:   Query   Query Attachments   Query Analytic   Generate Renderer   Return Updates

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