Description: This dataset comprises polylines that represent linear geomorphic features such as drainage lines, recent landslide scarps, cliffs and significant breaks in slope and some retaining walls, which are directly observable from the images and/or digital models.
Description: This dataset comprises polygons with attributes describing the type of the geomorphological process. It was derived using information in the Morphology and InterpretedMaterials datasets.The processes were grouped based on their dominant origin (anthropogenic, coastal or mass movement). For anthropogenic processes such as cut slopes, fill bodies and landfills, the approximate time of the modification was estimated from the dates of the available aerial imagery that was captured before and after the modification occurred.
Description: This dataset comprises polygons attributed with geological information about the substrate or regolith materials, along with an estimate of the confidence of the interpretation. The data were captured using aerial photographs, LiDAR datasets and limited fieldwork
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Type, length: 100
, Coded Values:
[Rock at/near surface: Rock at/near surface]
, [Talus: Talus]
, [Colluvium (anything that has moved downslope): Colluvium (anything that has moved downslope)]
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