Description: This dataset contains the approved Northern, Onslow - Western, Lambton, Eastern and Southern ward boundaries for the 2010 local government elections. The boundaries were signed off by the Local Government Commission Chief Executive on 25/06/07, and the Approving Surveyer on 6/07/07.
Description: The feature class displays the Wellington City Council Downtown Levy Boundary as used for Rating purposes.The rate is levied on all commercial, industrial and business properties in the Downtown Area and is calculated on a rate per dollar of rateable capital value.
Description: This dataset contains all DC zones used by Wellington City Council. The development of this dataset was undertaken to allow DC Zones to be spatially represented, and for use in WCC projects. This dataset superseeds Previous DC zones
Description: This dataset contains all DC zones used by Wellington City Council. The development of this dataset was undertaken to allow DC Zones to be spatially represented, and for use in WCC projects. This dataset superseeds Previous DC zones
Description: There are now a total of 67 territorial authorities in New Zealand. Thisupdated total reflects the amalgamation of the seven territorialauthorities (Rodney District, North Shore City, Waitakere City, AucklandCity, Manukau City, Papakura District and Franklin District) into onenew Auckland Council in 2010.Territorial authorities are the second tier of local government in NewZealand, below regional councils. The 67 territorial authoritiescomprise: 12 city councils, 53 district councils, the Auckland Counciland the Chatham Islands Territory. Six territorial authorities (AucklandCouncil, Nelson City Council, Gisborne , Tasman , and MarlboroughDistrict Councils) also perform the functions of a regional council andthus are known as unitary authorities. Chatham Islands Territoryundertakes only some of the functions of a regional council, and istherefore not a unitary authority. Territorial authority districts are notsubdivisions of regions, and some of them fall within more than oneregion. Taupo District has the distinction of straddling the boundariesof four different regions. Territorial authorities are based oncommunities of interest and road access and administer local roadingand reserves, sewerage, building consents, the land use and subdivisionaspects of resource management, and other local matters.